Creating a MacOS App

October 5, 2021

Submitting an App to the App Store

app store

Before getting into the step by step process, you need to know the following about submitting an app to the app store:

1. Enroll in Apple Developer Program

2. Setup Apple Developer Account

  • Sign all contracts in App Store Connect under “Agreements, Tax and Banking”

3. Create an Xcode Project

4. Register Bundle ID on App Store Connect

  • Go to Xcode, in your app project go to Signing & Capabilities, click on Capabilities, search for In-App Purchase, and it should automatically create a provising profile/bundle id. Go back to App Store Connect and youn should see your app under the Identifiers section.

5. Create a New App in App Store Connect

  • Go to My Apps > add an app > check macOS > etc.

6. Add App Icon Set to App Project in Xcode

7. Add Version and Build Number in Xcode

8. Add Your Apple ID Under Xcode/Preferences/Accounts

9. Test App in Xcode simulator

10. Archive the Project

  • Select the correct device
  • Go to Product > Archive

11. Validate App

  • In Xcode go to Archives and click Validate App
  • Keep default values
  • Select automatically manage signing
  • It may take some time
  • It will say validation was successful in the end

12. Distribute App

This basically uploads the app to App Store Connect.

  • In Xcode got to Archives and click Distribute App
  • Select App Store COnnect
  • Select Upload
  • Keep defaults
  • Select Automatically manage signing
  • Then an Upload progress bar should appear
  • In the end it will say sucessfuly uploaded

13. Check TestFlight in App Store Connect

  • Go to App Store Connect and in the dropdown select TestFlight
  • It will say the app is processing

14. Select the Build To Be Reviewed

15. Submit for Review